Hello artistic/creative mum!!
Thank you so much for agreeing to be a guest on the podcast. I cant wait to meet you and chat. Here are the general talking points for each episode.
As my chats are quite organic, we may not end up talking about every one of these, and some may not apply to you or your art form. Most of these topics will come up just while we are chatting and I will ask specific questions when needed.
Of course I am more than happy to chat about your own business and any other topics you wish.
Artist Info
Tell us about yourself, your art form, what you create, style, mediums you use. I am really interested to get to you as an artist, before we start talking about your children. How did you get started, influences, why this artform, were you a creative child, what sparked your interest, any study you have done in art etc.
Family info
Tell us about your family, children, ages, (names are optional)
Share as much or as little as you wish.
Day to day
What does your art life look like today?
Hours you are able to spend, challenges, pros and cons
How do you juggle it all? How do your children fit into this?
Any tips you can share or things you wish you had known?
Did you need to find new ways to work so you could continue creating?
Do you/did you have others in your art circle that have had this experience?
Do you or have you had role models about how to juggle creating art
and the demands of parenthood?
Do you/did you have a support network around you?
How did that/does that affect your work/art/creativity?
Being a mum
Did having a child/becoming a mother influence or inform your work?
This one is not about the day to day logistics, more about the emotions that came up that might have manifested in your work
"Mum guilt"
Do you believe in the concept of "mum guilt"?
a) when it comes to your art and
b) general life.
Do you feel differently about mum guilt depending on what you are doing? eg art or normal life?
Yes/No/Why? Discuss - this is one of my favourite topics
What triggers your mum guilt? (if you feel it)
How did the concept of your own identity change when you became a mum?
Is it important to you to be "more than a mother"?
eg - you are also your own person, artist, wife, daughter etc
If so, how do you give yourself time and space to do/feel this this?
What are your thoughts around this?
Is it important to you to continue your art/own interests?
Is it important to you that your children see that you do more than just the mothering role?
Value of your art/creativity
We're not talking about the monetary value of your work here, but the importance you place on your creating. If you don't bring money into your household with your creative work, does that diminish the value of it in your eyes? How do you feel about how society sees the value of (mother) artists contributions?
Cultural Norms
When you were growing up, what sort of a mother was your own mother expected to be?
Did society expect her to focus only on her family and home roles?
How did that effect you as a child and then growing up and how you approached your own parenting?
I'm in Australia so Im really interested in how other cultures have expereienced this.
Anything else
An opportunity for you to share anything additional that is important to you, or to promote yourself.
What projects are you working on or have coming up?
Where can people find you online? Social etc
Other notes
You can be as honest as you want on my podcast, swearing is okay too.
If any conversations arise that may trigger others I will put a warning on the episode.
Conversely, you don’t have to be honest, please don’t feel that you have to share anything that you don’t feel comfortable sharing.
You will have approx 3-4 days before I finalise editing of your episode. If you recall anything that you would like removed please let me know before this time and I will be happy to do so.
Before chatting, if you have any topics that are definitely off limits, please let me know and I will be happy to oblige
Please allow 1.5 to 2 hours to record. It might not take that long, but just in case! I like to chat ;)
You don't need any fancy recording gear, just a webcam and its built in mic is enough. You can use headphones if you wish. If you do have fancy gear, that's awesome!
I take snippets of video to make short promo vides. If you would prefer me not to do this for your episode please let me know.
Feeling nervous is natural, just approach it like we are having a nice relaxed chat - because that is exactly what we are doing :)
Although not a topic I ask guests directly about, the subject of mental health comes up more often than not. If you feel comfortable talking about your experience please do so. I have had my own personal experience with post natal depression and anxiety, and feel comfortable talking about the subject,
promo photos that I can share. This can be of you, an example of your work, your family/children, anything that you would like to represent you. Any number from 1-5 is great, and at least one that shows your face is awesome.
a list of the materials/equipment you use in your practice. I like to compile a list and provide links for listens to purchase or research further if they wish.
an artistic bio, any special awards or upcoming events you would like mentioned in your show notes.
You can send these before or after your episode is recorded.
Your episode will go live on a Friday. Leading up to this I will post the following on my instagram and facebook accounts:
Wednesday - Introduction using supplied photo + audio
Thursday - Quote tile
Friday - Out Now image tile / audio
Sunday - Reel - supplied photos + audio
Tuesday - Quote tile
for examples of these check out my instagram
I will tag you in each, feel free to share or repost on your socials, it certainly helps to spread the word to new listeners.
I will also make a short video using raw footage from our recorded interview, to share with exclusive content subscibers on my email list. (if you dont want this please let me know)
You will also have a dedicated landing page for your episode, which is a great place to direct listeners to, if you would like this link for your website or socials please let me know, or you can extrapolate it here: eg www.alisonnewman.net/podcast-eps/firstname-lastname
From time to time I post previous guests’ quotes so you may notice yourself pop up again months down the track. I enjoy taking relevant quotes and sharing them around a theme on my socials.
I break the interview into ‘chapters’ separated by a short 10-15 seconds music grab. I have an APRA AMCOS licence to use copy righted music on the podcast. If you are happy for me to use yours please send me the links where I can purchase or download.
If you know of anyone who would like to be a guest on the show, please let me know. I love chatting to mums I have never met, from all creative backgrounds and from all around the world.
Thank you for being involved in my podcast, I can’t wait to chat.
If you have any queries or questions please let me know, I want you to feel comfortable and happy with your involvement.
Alison x
0422 458 336
Take a listen to the podcast here